What is Advinsula?
Advinsula is a free, immersive and simple browser game that anyone can play in their mobile phone. It only requires fifteen minutes per day.
Imagine that you are reading a very exciting book, but you can only read one page per day.
The book is all about you and is set in the medieval times where you have traveled to a desert island in search of a great treasure.
The title of the first page is *Day 1* and at the end of the page there is a list of very important decisions that you need to make, because you see, the next page has not been written yet. It will be written automatically based on your decisions and made available for you to read when you wake up the next day.
You are not alone on this island. There are many other people just like you who have also traveled to the same island and who are searching for the same treasure as you are. You will encounter many dangers on the island and must try to survive them, just like everyone else will.
Advinsula is a game unlike any other game you have played before and is so simple that people of all ages and without any prior experience in games could play it. Read a page and select your choices in the check boxes. Advinsula will only take up around fifteen minutes of your time each day at a time of your own choosing and yet is so exciting and absorbing that you will probably think and speak about it with others whenever you have some
spare time in your day.
You first need to carefully select your character’s main trait, skills and which items to bring to the island.
Then when you arrive, you must decide whether to be cautious or brave, friendly or hostile and if you will play alone or search for friends. It all depends on you and the choices you make.
A great game is a game you think and talk about even when you are not playing it and Advinsula really takes this premise to heart.
A word of warning though: The dangers on the island are not to be taken lightly. Please don’t take it personally when your character dies. You are welcome to create a new character and travel to the island again and if you are lucky, you might just pick up your lost items before another player takes them.
Place yourself in the waiting list
Enter your email address and be notified when the next step is available.
Once the game is available only a few players will be able to travel to the island each day so place yourself in the queue.
Currently there are 679 brave travellers waiting in queue to travel to the island Advinsula.
Some more technical info (beta)
- This game is a *massively multiplayer online role-playing game* (MMORPG) which is being created by Jim Westergren. The research work started in June 2022.
- It is a single persistent world. There is only one island.
- The computer system will take care of where everybody is and what happens to them. It will generate new pages daily for all players. There is no human influence as the computer makes all the decisions. Artificial intelligence is used for some texts and most of the images.
- The game of Advinsula is played in your mind for maximum experience. Therefore, it is text based, just as role playing games used to be twenty-five years ago before the popularity of personal computers. It will be just like reading an exciting book.
- The setting is medieval with some added fantasy but is adjusted for enhanced realism.
- All living things can be killed except for a few friendly computer-controlled characters.
- Death is permanent.
- All things can be looted.
- Items persist, you will be able to hide items and come back and collect them later.
- Players can choose to help each other ... or not.
- There are mountains and dungeons on the island.
- The population on the island will be restricted to one thousand players. A queuing system will be used for players entering the game and only a few can travel to the island each day. This will also depend on how many characters have died the day before.
- The game is turn based, one day is equivalent to one turn. Game time and real time are the same.
- Player-controlled characters (PCs) and non-player-controlled characters (NPCs) should follow the same rules and act in the same way. Due to the nature of how the game works it would be difficult to tell PCs and NPCs apart from each other which adds to the suspense and mystery of the game.
- There is no grind or level up in this game. You can make friends, find items, explore, and make progress whilst traveling and you can learn about the island and share the info with others or keep it to yourself.
- It is a kind of open sandbox type game. You can do whatever you want by using the available options.
- This is not a pay-to-win game, money will not have any influence on your success on the island. My idea is that people can pay to move forward in the queue if they want to, otherwise it should be a free-to-play game.
- There will be an open daily updated Leaderboard showing the players who have survived the longest on the island.
Meaning of the word Advinsula:
Adv is an abbreviation for Adventure. Insula is Latin for island.
Insula is also a small region of the brain used for vital functions essential for survival.
The beginning of the name is also very similar to my son’s name Alvin, who is already a superfan of the game.
For a lot more interesting information about the island of Advinsula, see the page: About the Island.
A bit about the creator, Jim Westergren
- Jim wrote adventures for Dungeons and Dragons and played as a Dungeon Master many years ago in 1996. Some parts of the adventures will be used in Advinsula.
- Jim is the creator of The Space War Card Game, CLESTO - The Jungle Chess Game and Race to Chicago.
- As for programming, Jim is the creator of the very popular website builder N.nu, web analytics service Redistats and data collection system Domainstats.com.
- Jim also loves to write and a few of his short stories have been published. One of them is included in an English textbook used by schools in India.
- With Advinsula, Jim combines his passion for creating, game design, programming, fantasy role playing games and writing, all in a single project.
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